Did Gravity Just Appear? Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Did Gravity Just Appear?

Was it a bang that made the earth?
Did chaos form the sea?
Did havoc cause to bring to birth?
To such as you and me

What bang can give each snowflake shape?
Invent a thing as time
Did God not make both man and ape?
Or both evolve from slime?

Could monkeys birth a perfect man?
Able to laugh and cry
Or was it turmoil’s random plan?
That set the sun on high

What holds the stars and heavenly host?
Contains the ocean’s tide
Could it be through The Holy Ghost?
The Power of God inside

Did gravity one day appear?
Did air just happen too?
Or is it Satan’s lies we hear?
That those deceived pursue

Did chaos bring each life form seed?
Produce from womb and clay
Randomly meeting every need
Arising night and day

Did chaos warm to turmoil’s charms?
Is flawlessness their child?
Does nature suckle in their arms?
Until it too runs wild

Or is it God’s almighty hand?
That made all things to be
Who brings each child to understand?
And gives us eyes to see…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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