Do You See What You'Ve Done? Poem by Prince ....

Do You See What You'Ve Done?

how can i be such a fool
to continue to love you?
the one i trusted with my life
and then let me down
in the worst way.
how could you do this to me?
give me false hopes
then let me fall.
you would see me everyday
with a smile on your face
oblivious to the pain
that you caused me.
everyday my heart would break
just a little more
seeing you with someone else
until i could take no more.
i would cry myself to sleep
just thinking about you.
i still think of what we did
and how i let myself believe
that maybe you could like me
and that we could be together...
you have no idea what i went through
when you chose someone else
i waited for so long for you
but you wanted someone else.
all of my hopes vanished
my heart broken in many places
and though it may be beating
it is a very futile effort
for i have already died
from the pain and heartache
that you created.
i am soulless and broken
all because of you
and i know i really shouldn't
but i still love you...

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