Each Day, Since We Parted Poem by Maurice Harris

Each Day, Since We Parted

</>I have never heard either one of you
Utter a single intelligible word,
Yet, more than else, 'I love you',
Are words, from me, that I regret you've never heard;
I have never been with you
During times of revelry or of sorrow,
Though you may be assured, I miss you-
And shall ever more, tomorrow!

No other two ladies may lay this singular claim:
Both of you share so much more than a last name-
Perhaps, neither one of you knows, the same;
Yet, to alight this upon thee, is my one, singular aim!

Alas, both of you are to the other, unbeknownst;
No one charged with youur guard, has deigned
To believe your unique connection need be announced,
And thus, with time, it has surely waned!

For shame! With each day that passes-for shame!
That they sit idly by, and allow this:
Sikerly, all you are allowed to share is a last name-
I, in most emphatic terms, do disavow this-
This inaction, from those who need consider
Your needs before their own, but do not!
This, to me, is a pill, most bitter-
Yet, I may not intervene, so I do naught!
As your Father, this pains my heart!
Though I have not lain mine eyes
Upon thee, since a time closer to your start,
I have been forced through, estrangement, to realize:
Neither time, nor miles, may serve as impediment
To a paternal love, that seeks not its own glory,
Nor may a 1,000 other pitfalls be a detriment
To the way I read my love for thee, and the story
I choose to tell to the rest of the world!
My heart is coffered, yet for both of you, is left unguarded-
'You are always welcome here'-it remains unfurled-
And has been each day, since we parted!

-Maurice Harris,1 July 2011

Maurice Harris

Maurice Harris

Louisville, KY
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