Eggs 1961 Poem by Terry Collett

Eggs 1961

Eggs wren eggs
Jane said
leaning into
the hedgerow
parting branches
with her hands.

Benny looked over
her shoulder
smelt apples
and flowers.

We mustn't
touch them
she said
or the mother wren
won't return again.

Benny stood just
behind her taking in
her dark hair
shoulder length
her slim fingers
holding back
the branches.

He could see
the small eggs.

A kid at school
brought one
of those in
Benny said
it had a hole
at either end.

That's bad
she said
robbing nests
and taking a life.

I guess it is
Benny said
he had it wrapped
in an handkerchief
and was showing us
in the playground
at recess.

She stepped back
and let the branches
return to how they were.

You wouldn't do
that would you?
she said.

No of course not
he said.

She smiled
I'm glad you wouldn't
Daddy says it is
against God's will
she added.

There was a sparrow's nest
up over by the farm track
Benny said.

They walked up the lane
and he showed her
the nest and the eggs
still there untouched
or harmed.

Their elbows touched
as they leaned
together to look
skin on skin.

He wanted to kiss her
but didn't in
case it was
(in her father's eyes)
a sin.

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