Elizabeth Poem by Justin Reamer


A woman of great prowess,
Who sits in the chair on her laptop,
Typing away and
Working on her presentation,
She works hard to finish the semester.

Her hair is long and brown,
Flowing like a waterfall to
Her shoulders,
And when the sun hits it,
It glows in the light.

Her eyes are brown,
Like cedar wood,
Yet studious and intent.
When she smiles,
Her eyes brighten in joy,
Showing the portals to her soul,
And when angry,
They burn with fire,
Warning you to stay away.
Yet, she loves all of her friends,
And her loyalty is strong with those she loves.

Her heart beats a million
Times a minute
Every time she notices
Humanity in its simplest delight,
Or when she comes across
Her significant other,
Who reciprocates her unconditional love.

She reads and writes,
And is a little quirky,
But her heart is very giving,
Welcoming everyone into the
Depth and warmth of
Its great hot springs,
Which comfort all.
It beats for love,
For happiness, for peace,
And for justice.

She cares about social justice,
Believing in the dignity
Of every human being
By following in the example
Of Jesus Christ
And giving everyone the
Respect and dignity
They deserve.

She gives constantly
By giving her money,
Her belongings,
Her life,
Her body,
And her soul
To all those who are less fortunate.
She lends an ear to a friend
In need,
Lends a hand to someone
Who needs help,
And gives herself wholeheartedly
To the Will of Jesus Christ.

Elizabeth is a great woman,
A great friend
I will always know,
And my beloved sister in Christ.

Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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