Evil & Good14

Rating: 3.5

Evil is an action made to break down the foundations of the said good
In a similar way the termite feeds on the structure of the tree or wood
Evil activates the button where the response of the good is required
In an event where a certain knowledge or experience is do acquired
Evil creates a scenario where all the good could do is patiently wait
As the evil finishes up its intended mission relying only on its faith
Forcing the good to intervene to stop the carnage and madness
Exposing where the Law had failed and of its known weakness
For evil acts are hard to anticipate and to identify until its being done
Which makes evil acts to be destructive and deadly of the lives gone
Evil acts like shootings and even bombing of a federal building
Making no such distinction in executing of the evil its yielding
For evil doesn't recognize mankind's own Law and it's Authority
It's simply obeying a higher form of Rules as its basis of morality
For I will match every evil that was done unto me a thousand folds
I will use your own citizens as a weapon for all of the Power I hold
The evil will target celebrities, artist, politicians and even priests in that matter
Of all the insults and threats against me for all my minions will kill or shatter
The lives of the very same people I had chosen to be equal and free
Which they now deny me of in the matters of the heart for all to see
Evil will not rest until it applies the very reason why it lives
Evil will unleash its great strength at all cost for all it gives
For evil is my own creation in order to punish and to reward
I will use your own children as a gun to shoot or kill forward
I am free but I am just being denied by the West of whom to Love
For they all want to reap the rewards for all that they could have
I now unleash my evil minions throughout the planet to wreak havoc and destruction
Remember that I Apollo your Master have been denied to express my love or affection

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