Execution Poem by Leon Moon


Clasping the ever-fleeting amusement, sacred reclusiveness carving the gateway to divine cataclysms prolonging fortune, (revolutions succeeded by a single breath) the majesty of my youth now stands silent. Her ephemeral smirk, maternal charity of life, abdicates; I will keep my promise until death. Even if I am the only one amidst this feral fanfare executing the antidote of terminal devotion,
I remember…

We will not be subjugated to nuances of paradise or lost to lifetimes confounded in the sanctification of misplaced deceit; no need to reign over a heart for another generation to possess
the truth!

Multitudes weighed down by the nobility of sacrifice! Each a God in their own right. Neglected to the vanity of parasites, respect honed by fear is the vicious weakness crowning total control; to be tormented by the hostility of the internal feud's pursuit is as outdated as the empirical piety
founding my cradle.

Beneath the solar guillotine; -satin robes entwine around pillars spotted with blood (unstained by memory) , emerald and sapphire jewels are thrown to the floor, aurora rebuked, she kneels naked and dishevelled; betrayed by the inner circle of her own disguise. The glittering eclipse certifies any frail elusion I held for her escape as true and as false as remorseless futility. I am the only witness to the bespoke plateau eternalising her love; I have no other choice but to be an echo cherishing peals flourishing through hysterical soh chants. Collapsing from her prismatic gradience, honing the effigy of our universe, we are but a gimmick of life if we avoid death's request to know itself; my courage is her novelty. Beauty expounded! Even now I hear her laughing, just as heaven's shore relapses into our pulse, our core, once more - the fateful summer where our hearts collided into one; -

I will keep my promise until death…

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: eternity,love,redemption,revolution
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