F03 Solomon Built Temple And Palace Poem by Simple Simon

F03 Solomon Built Temple And Palace

Rating: 5.0

God lived in a tent simple,
As there was no big temple,
Either for the Lord to stay,
Or the Israelites to pray.

Even though four hundred
And eighty years had passed
After they had left Egypt,
God stayed just in a tent.

During the fourth year,
After Solomon took o'er,
He began the temple-work,
That wasn't an easy task.

Seven long years, it took,
To give it a finished look,
With an artistic interior,
And a gold-covered altar.

An inner chamber was built,
Where the Covenant Box was kept.
An exquisite prayer hall
Added grandeur to the temple.

The Lord said to Solomon,
'My love now you've won.
I'll stay in this temple,
And protect your people.'

'But my laws, you must obey,
In this temple, if I've to stay.
As I promised your father,
I'll be with you forever.'

At a central vantage place,
Solomon built his palace.
Thirteen years, it took
To complete this work.

The entire construction
Was beyond description;
He made it with pleasure.
It turned out to be a treasure.

Sandra Fowler 01 November 2006

Praise for your richly descriptive account of the glorious construction of the Temple and Solomon's fine house. Really a delight to read these verses, Simon. Warm regards, Sandra

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