Fantastopia Poem by Dyuti Banerjee


Rating: 5.0

A place with fewer boundaries than even Communism might advocate,
Where absurdity becomes reality, making the latter, redundant, unreal-
Child of hope, grandchild of love- fantasy-
Where pink skies greet blue grass,
Where candles grow from bulbs, banks give chocolate for interest, and the interest on deposits are high,
Where your pay-cheque's a daily 9 hours(8 plus 1 FREE!) of sleep,
Where you save, in the form of dreams,
Where mango's the perennial fruit, not bananas,
Where in winter, the sun is warm, so is the snow, that doesn't melt,
Where summers come minus-temperatured, where even raw ice doesn't get in a cold into your systems,
Where the rains come without water in the streets, without umbrellas, with lightning that evaporates back into the air, and thunder that plays Beethoven's Symphonies..........
Fantastic is the world where Bush plays with bin Laden in the aforementioned snow,
Where Afghan belles can wear transparent/netted burkhas over tubes or etcetera of you-know-what's,
Where teachers snooze in class, and there are exams on how long you can snooze, on an average day (really!) , not on what subjects you know and how much,
(Where maths needn't be easy, as it'll be extinct!)
Where weighing machines don't exist,
Where obesity's the HEP thing(!)
Where slim-bods are banned and booed from the bursting world,
Where fish and all (non-veg) meats don't bleed nor stink,
Where your fridge fills up automatically, with your favourite foods, for free, and they're at the right temperature you want them to be,
Where everything you need to buy or do, comes free of cost,
Where there's no drugs, no smoke, no global warming, no anything bad nor sad,
Where Google Search can read, just what you need,
Where things are fast, but YOU can roll on at your own speed(of course, so can I!)
Where specs're not needed, all of your health's rocking good,
And life listens to you (actually, you can die and be born at will)
There dissolves, diffuses like water added to milk,
Everything real, harsh, practical, and a clear solution of fantasy and mirth merge, under one hood............

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