Fate Poem by Kwenadi Gaaje


You taught me to allow fate to take its cause
Said it will all come to light if it is meant to be, someday.
Gave me a blank page to jot all my heart desires,
to put down my doubts and fears.
Created a picture where I only saw you as the best thing that has ever happened to me.,
Dished all my wishes on a silver-platter,
Fed me all that I wanted to hear but never what I ever needed from you - your love.

My destiny lied in the hands of a man who loved me at his own time and accord.
One who fought so hard for me to halt all my dreams to secure his.
Fate lied to me!
I watched my future fade away; it was worth it!
So, I thought to myself that it is where his heart at.
I drew an image full of hopes and dreams that revolved around him,
Little did I know that fate,
The same fate he spoke so highly of was of his side and not mine.

You said fate is a book filled with everlasting thoughts
Gave me a pen to jot all my heart desires,
watched me as I poured out my retched heart
It's how you made me believe you were to hold it tightly and never let it fall unto the hopeless dreams
I held on to this fate long enough to know that I was chasing a faded dream, you watched me as I watered seeds that lost its breath for ages, watched as seasons rumbled on these Lilly flowers I had planted in your garden
It's how you made me believe that my palms will grow into something beautiful and eye-catching, you even helped me pick names for them, like you believed in life in them. More of our destiny was in the breath of my chrysanthemum palm, when it died, my dream of you faded.

Kwenadi Gaaje

Kwenadi Gaaje

Kutlwanong Location, Odendaalsrus
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