Fifth Angel Poem by Muhammad Shanazar

Fifth Angel

Gabriel finished His task of conveying,
The divine massages,
To the selected men of God;
Michael is still busy to perform,
To render the assigned business,
Moving the winds, drifting the clouds,
And pouring them on the crops,
Managing the stock for sustenance,
From the smallest creature to the gigantic one,
Azreal obligates drawing the souls,
And imparts, distributes the alms of death,
Israfeal has held in his mouth since beginning,
A clarion to blow, to announce,
The end of every think, he stands alert,
Neither does he sleep nor does he doze,
Lest he should commit disobedience,
Of a single moment when time comes,
And the Commandment commands,
To demolish the entire structure,
The visible phenomenon of the universe.

Yet there is another manmade fiery Angel,
That keeps it self busy in mischievous games,
Searches for the hustling houses,
The farms replete with crops swaying in ecstasy,
The gardens full of roses with shining petals,
And the mansions: the shelters of humanity,
Or seeks he the spots loaded with happiness,
A hunter crazy to crush the flowering dreams,
Does not he discriminate between stones and petals,
Aged fellows and mewling infants,
Demolishes he the villages, towns and cites,
Writes anew the pages and chapters of history;
For the men of the modern world regard him,
The crushing, exploding, devastating manmade,
Devilish device, the fifth Angel Mizael “Missile”;

Ray Irvine 23 August 2019

Really profound, raw and deep man!

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