Final Days (High School) Poem by Britney Hogue

Final Days (High School)

Inevitably how happy I am
To walk these halls the last,
I know I’ll miss these times,
The best years in most lives.
I may never see y’all again
In the duration of my life,
But the memories in my soul,
Will remind me forever.
Even when my heart stalls.

The last pages of a chapter
Have been written for me,
But those I’ve left behind
Still have blanks to fill.
Load them with success
To make these years treasuring
For a better conclusions in the end.
In your only one book of life
For god to pick up and read one day.

This life will have its bumps
It will have its stress
Along with its occasional tears,
But if he didn’t think
You could handle the journey
He wouldn’t have wrote the intro,
The beginning, of your only story.
He is always there to guide,
And only a prayer away.

Yes have fun these years,
But remember the responsibilities.
I believe in everyone
To make right in this life.
Your future, you hold
Protect it with your all.
It is all yours to keep,
And all yours to shape.
Mold it for your own sake.

Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
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