Finnegans Wake Resurrected Poem by Andrew Lee

Finnegans Wake Resurrected

It's rumoured that the world of Finnegans Wake is nightmarish and messy, crumpled up like a huge strawberry pie, which insomniac children love to dip their thumbs into... until I become headless while mating.

Yes, you read correctly. I become headless while making love. Sounds more surreal and terrifying than the dreamscape of Finnegans Wake...

The fact is: my serious-minded girlfriend licks and bites into my thorax before digging her teeth into my abdomen and into my veins where my nutritious liquid runs pale green. Calm and confident, my girlfriends relaxes before she tightens her grip on me, chewing and relishing my bones, spine, pulsating arteries and entrails. Then her sharp teeth work their way up my neck and decapitate me, tossing my head onto the ground.

By the way, my girlfriend isn't exactly interested in love-making or in the perpetuation of our species. She's probably more intent on satisfying her hunger for fresh cartilage, blood and meat.

But the unthinkable part is that my headless body has a remarkable nervous system where, even without my head and the related neurological mechanism, my male organ continues to function effectively, thrusting and depositing my sperms into my girlfriend's womb.

Yes, your guess is right. I am a praying mantis. Even the characters in Finnegans Wake will find this disturbing, yet amazing.

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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