Flat Earth Or Not Poem by Robert Rittel

Flat Earth Or Not

It is not the ever sustaining heart of earth in which to confide,
for it brings forward all that is given into simple trust decide.
It is the soul of heaven which is the only trust and guaranteeing,
for it assimilates all in its own individual being.
To believe or not is the choice and freewill,
happiness is its own spirit being, seeking for itself to still.
Arguing and trying to prove the logic mysteries,
knowledge by ignorance claimed throughout histories.
Those who trying to prove their belief is superior,
to the faith of another does not know the ultimate ulterior.
Beliefs are part of freewill and in its perfection turns to faith,
great teachers and seers write about that aid.
The right to know the truth in the affairs of this world,
fighting for ever not seeing the total of life impearled.
The supreme existing law is that all is just and right,
not that one can proclaim it, but only to be understood to all might.
It is not evidence which gives belief,
it is all that above evidence is the true relief.
Culminating into the sustenance of spirit,
and nothing is anymore to fear it.

Flat Earth Or Not
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
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