Fly Little Bird Poem by Rebecca Whitaker

Fly Little Bird

Rating: 3.0

Fly little bird,
this world is yours!
Spread your shy wings and you'll see they weren't shy at all!
Magnificent and strong,
that's what you've become.
Fly little bird,
visit the great skies, the tiny towns,
savour a tasty fly, maybe a fat worm!
Twirl away in branches and twigs,
carry a flower to your beloved too!
Fly high little bird, fast and strong,
see the colours of all the world,
pinks and greens, maybe orange too!
Who knows what tomorrow holds?
You could lose your feathers,
or be fried in butter and red sauce too!
Don't wait for the sun to rise,
fly little bird,
this world is yours!

As cliched as it sounds, it seems to me that this is one life we all have, one life to remember that we're born under one name, one family and one shot to give it all we have. Let's be thankful for all the things we have and make new experiences to remember before we die.
Rebecca Whitaker 05 September 2013

Wow! That does sound quite exciting, book projects you say? What sort? I have been trying to put my mind to writing a novel, but I just can't seem to do it. Artwork productions are so fun aren't they? You're quite a busy woman I suppose! Hehe, maybe you should just take a camera with you next time you go for an early morning walk, do a little bird watching and capture them in the pictures.

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Rebecca Whitaker 04 September 2013

I would love to read your collection of bird poems, Sj Holland, and thank you for reading mine, hope you have a great day, maybe you should do something exciting today and share it with me!

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