A happy man is he who's found a lass that he can love...
As if by beauty he's been bound yet wouldn't shake her off!
Her lips like magnets draw him close till he looks in her eyes!
What happens next God only knows for eyes can hypnotise!
Each word she says he dotes upon as if she were sublime!
He'll write her poems signed Anon and pray for every rhyme!
He'll offer chockies, roses, too, and orchids from a shop!
He'll send her cards marked I love you! , heart pounding pitter-pop!
He'll watch her lips, as if a hawk, perchance to try his luck!
Then suddenly, no chat, no talk, as courage he must pluck!
Not now! Not now! Ooh, maybe soon! Ooh, coulda been! Too late!
Yet if they kissed, perhaps he'd swoon! That wouldn't look too great!
His pitter-pop is racing now! He's focussed, that's for sure!
Yes, pretty soon, he'll slowly bow in search of sweet amour!
It's time! It's time! Their first kind kiss! He's fainted clean away!
To see his smile, he'll die of bliss! God let him live! Oi, vey!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem