Footprints Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Like fish caught in unsteady hand you slipped out,
And the tingle vanished like a flash of lightening;
I saw all worlds lighted like heaven on the Earth,
Next moment befell horrid darkness everywhere;
Why you came, caught in my hand, and slipped?
Though it's a passing tide in vast spread of ocean,
Rocks my boat all along the sail for an answer,
But, alas, puzzle remains undiminished as ever.

Is it accidental, or cause and effect at the play?
Why one in billion stays like the Moon in night sky?
Is it a building block to raise the mansion awaiting us,
Or a concluding shock of serial faults from the past?
I vouch it is a rude Earthquake that uprooted my life,
It's brute grief that squeezed unknown ecstatic bliss
That flushed me empty only to fill-in in new spirit,
And no more I remain I, as self-indulgent in quietude.

Nations rose and fell; face of world has changed,
Laws and values rolled from the East to West
And tastes rose and fell like timely tides in oceans,
But what happened, and its impact, like pole star
Navigates me along amidst rough terrains I sail;
It is unsteady sail, yet, navigates to right shore
Thro' the pall of mist that stands tall between us,
And specters of fancies break and haunt me oft.

I know that what remains is a blind passage,
Not a clue why, where and when about you;
I know what is must shall be at appointed time,
What you and I know or not make no difference;
Yet an innate stir bespeaks our immortal bond
In how you slipped in and why you slipped out,
As footprints of the past building bridges to future,
And you know such hopes fuel the passage onwards.

Monday, April 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love,philosophy
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