For The Late Presidentof The Republic Of Guyana, The Hon. L.F.S.Burnham Poem by PHIL WINTER

For The Late Presidentof The Republic Of Guyana, The Hon. L.F.S.Burnham

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F- is for Far-seeing!
A far-seeing leader like you
Can lead our country
To a glorious future

O- is for Orderliness!
To the country you bring Order,
Exercising discipline firm and superior.

R- is for Riches!
During your time as our leader
The windows of heaven
Will pour down riches on our land and people.

B -is for Better times!
A leader with your resourcefulness
Can take our people and country
To prosperous and better times.

E- is for Earnest!
With all Earnestness you lead the people
Encouraging all to achieve great heights.

S - is for Seer!
You are a man of wisdom
A visionary, chosen to chart the destiny
Of people and country.

B- is for Blessed and Bold!
You are a leader
Fearlessly taking our country forward.

U- is for Unity!
You are the leader
Sent from above
To unite the peoples of this land.

R- is for Resolute!
Your are a leader
Strong, robust and resolute.

N - is for Nation Builder!
You are a leader
Gifted with astuteness
To build a nation peaceful and free.

H- is for Heaven sent!
You are the sent from Heaven above
To preside over our country
With wisdom and love.

A- is for Armour!
You are covered with Divine Armour
To protect you
As you lead this land.

M- is for Master!
You are a Master.
A great, yet humble leader.!

Happy Birthday!
Linden - Leader
Forbes - Far-seeing
Sampson- Seer
Burn-ham- Blessed!Blessed!Blessed!

Note: Written since 1973 (on the Birth Anniversary) for The Honorable Linden Forbes Sampson Burn-ham,Late President of The Republic OfGuyana.

Monday, February 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: tribute


Berbice Guyana South America
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