Forget What You Have Never Known ~ Lyric Poetry Poem by Christine A Kysely

Forget What You Have Never Known ~ Lyric Poetry

Forget what you have never known
You have not witnessed the hidden lights within my eyes
You do not care whether I live or die
You haven't walked upon my fields
Nor ran your hands through my grasses.

You have not basked in the morning smile of my sun
Nor been fed by the countenance of me
Nor explored my rivers, nor my valleys
Nor been drowned in my words
By the Siren songs that I have sung.

I am every woman and I am no woman
If you reach out to touch me, I will not be there
I am as concrete as a breath of moistened air
I am the shadows that in the morning disappear
That run to hide from Night's despair.

Do you think that you can know me?
I am the deepest and darkest reaches of the universe
Places that have not yet been discovered nor explored
How can you think to know me?
You have no idea what you are looking for.

When I look into life's mirror, I see an apparition of myself
I see the idea of who it is and what it is
That people have identified and portrayed as me.
I see a hollow shell, an empty vessel
That love has neither commanded nor possessed.

Blood red trails behind me
I leave my wounded in my stead
Those who would believe that two could become one
I leave them broken and alone
Solitary misguided believers with their views.

I shun what I most desire
To wake to the beating heart of that one
One whose emptiness could fill me
But that effort has overcome me
And I desire to try no more.

(January 23,2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

Heather M 23 January 2011

Love your poem. It is beautifully written.

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Christine A Kysely

Christine A Kysely

Merrill, Wisconsin USA
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