From The Beginning Poem by hubert canvas

From The Beginning

When the earth was catless
There was solely darkness.

Beginning of life ho-hum,
Sheer glory of cats still to come.

The Creator struggled with an ill-disposed
Mankind chasing apples, plums,

With their intricate wiring, also despair,
While boys pulled many a girl's hair.

But then He pulled out of His hat
A symphonic masterpiece, the cat.

Stars and planets spun with envy,
Senselessness, saturnine,

Light years away from that glorious day,
The universe looking pale,

Aware of wooly cats thriving,
Born in happy multitudes.

The earth became
Soft and purry.

Mankind wept of joy, there was love,
And soon cat food o'erflowed

In the flavours of creatures delicious:
Fish, beef, poultry and lamb.

The pyramids were built,
Carrying their eternal snooze,

A single human added
To compare better to good.

Now I say to you, forsooth,
Accept your humble part in life.

We are only human after all.
No short cuts in becoming wise.

So take the brush and rise!
Be brave and stand tall,

Before it heaves over all.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,cats
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