From Top To Toe Poem by Janice M Pickett

From Top To Toe

Abandoned I'm not
Afraid I won't be
Agony is a lesson and its not meant for me
Alone can be restful but company is best
Angry is not a good way I would guess
Anxious Is something I never allow
Apprehensive of the results no not now
Ashamed would be silly when confident like me
At a loss for words you will never see
Betrayed by the foolish and trusted by the wise
Blame will not fall on my innocent eyes
Bored is only when life is not rocking
Burdened with so much love that it's shocking
Cheated of pain wow what a relief
Concerned that my fellow man may not have belief
I'm not Confused for a know who I am
Cornered with love and god's worldly plan
No not Crazy but with sanity mine
Crushed with affection for a long time
Deep Sadness never a part in my glee
Deep Sorrow is something I will never see
Defeated will never happen, I win
Dejected what for when I wear a grin?
Not Depressed but so happy
No Despair as I cheer
Not Despondent by anything do I make myself clear?
Why be Devastated when glee is so close
Disappointed are some but relieved are most
Don't be Discouraged just encourage all you meet
and Don't be Disgusted just accept who you greet
Dismay is something that you Lear to disguise
Disoriented viewpoints become clear when you're wise
Doubt never enters a head that thinks straight
I Dread silly people and Welcome the great
Embarrassed by some and confidently sure
That Empty hearts can be filled by a heart that is pure
Enraged enemies will calm when you do
Exhausted from fighting, strengthened by you
Fatigued from the battle but energy renewed
Fearful to continue now brave from the feud
Hapless intentions never a way
Heartache will find true love whatever you say
Heartbroken people will be heart filled again
Heartsick will be healed
No Heaviness remain
The Helpless will be helped
The Horrified calmed
Horror will leave them safe and not alarmed
Humiliated by the experience with relieved saving grace
Hurt lifted once more with a smile on their face
Inadequate thoughts now filled so much more
Indignant behaviour thrown out the door
Insecure about what they were now the past
Invalidated feelings settled at last
Lazy perceptions turn into action
Lethargic past feelings no more the reaction
Lonely a word they no longer need
Loss of the sad life now filled with a seed
Lost they were and now they are found
No Mad intentions insanity sound
Melancholy moments now bouncing with glee
Mortified for a second now out there to see
Offended not ever take it all as it flows
Outraged in an instant changed as it goes
Overwhelmed but accepting that nothings that strong
Persecuted one minute then know you belong
Pressured but find that soon it will ease
Punished then forgiven when you let out a sneeze
Put down then picked up is all part of life
Put upon then left alone don't let it cause strife
Rage can be calmed to be passive and kind
The Rebellious soon mellow and calm down their mind
Rejected and accepted just part of the day
Rejecting and accepting part of minds play
Resentment means nothing but jealousy of you
pay no attention be proud of what you do
Sadness will soon turn into glee
Scared people in no time will have no fear you see
To Scorn someone you know is praise in a way
Self-conscious reactions can be facts in their day
Shame and glory are opposites that go
Shattered and healed opposites also
Silly can sometime be clever when in fun
Sorrow can turn around to happiness for some
Suffering and healing each taken in turn
Don't be Suspicious for trusting we yearn
Terror is not for the brave and the bold
Don't get Tired of trying do as you're told
Tortured by passion and pampered with love
Trapped in the freedom to fit hand and glove
Traumatized by nothing, your visions freed
Uncertain of the future, certain of greed
Distrusting one moment, trusting the next
Vulnerable then fearful then terribly vexed
Wary at last look but now quite confident
Wasted so much time but now filling the vent
Worn out from writing this massive long verse
Energy coming back so you I can curse
Worried that you will think me a fool
I don't really care, this contest was cool

Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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