From Womb To Tomb Poem by Ibli Akpanke Modestus

From Womb To Tomb

What path of life is it?
From rest I sight a seat
Determination drags me up
I find myself striving to the top

From one seat I sit
Another to sit I see
Relax, you've arrived, this is your priority
Comes the tempting voice of mediocrity

Amity with the quest for more
Stirs my desire the more
Ah! many seats I see, many I sit on
No doubt the path becomes so long

Then a lane, now a path so broad
Like hustling ants
Relentlessly I go for more
Some do, bad seats I jump pass

Like athletes in long meters-race
I overtake some, some overtake me
Some crawl till no seat they meet with space
While some, no seat they bother to meet

No seat achieving, no bravery
More the hustle, more the priority
Soon old age steps in
No more strenght for running

From the strenghtless corner
The seats, the legacies I sit to count back
On a rock I had built on
A foundation for continuation

O! grave I pray you open your door
To welcome in, a faithful ambassador
From womb to tomb, it's time
A life for death, a death for life

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