Get To Bed Poem by A Nightmare Splashed on the Wall

Get To Bed

But there’s a woe in my voided mindless self-caress
As I force myself to tie myself to the rope I’m falling from
Vampires breathe for blood and I breathe for sap
Thus I am a lust hater, brain faker; old me
I see: that the clouds don’t drift (for peace) away
Jeopardize my tries, for cries; get to bed, go to die

Chemistry is evil; as for Physics I’d rather find
Death dressed in a black late-evening gown
Than to try, to fight; shall you divide in two my heart?
O’ Physics never mine! O’ knowledge long denied
Where’d you be? In a year, where’d you be, I mean,
Did the gracious never-ending love take the best of me?
But when feelings won’t be real, fades to black the night
Jeopardize my fights, for sighs; get to bed, go to die

This water won’t be purified by seven distillations;
This water won’t be blessed by Lord if deionised;
And there isn’t anything left to try: so, if you allow me
I’d rather find my way out from life! O’ life,
Why did you disappoint my eagerness? You just
Jeopardize my lies, for might; get to bed, go to die!

You, life, get to bed, go to die! ...

Poems By A Nightmare Splashed on the Wall
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