Giant Nation Dwarfed Justice Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

Giant Nation Dwarfed Justice

I have nursed my scars and lived in fear
Washed by the waves of piercing tears
For many years have i been tossed, bruised and battered
By uniform men and uncaringleaders

Choked by the claws of mocking delusion
I grew up in a land void of opportunities
For the highest badge of optical illusion
Is to define luxury by basic amenities

With poverty emblazoned by societal pressure
I am an earnest youth who works to give life a meaning
Yet deprived for enjoying the fruit of my labour
And harassed for striving to make a living

I am from a land where makers of laws bend the law
To suit greedy purses and crooked jaws
Long have I borne my burden in silence
Still corruption stands proud in every office

Speak of my pains but do not grief
I willingly bear these whips for my belief
Cerebrate my tears for I am now awoken
To reclaim my rights that long was stolen

I am from a giant nation with dwarfed justice
Held by pillars of pain, panic and prejudice
A land whose judiciary wears wigs and price tags
A land where virtue has been subduedto sag.

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