Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Poems

Like the River Nile she flows with food and culture
With natural resources and unrefined treasure
Nurtured and moulded by noble ancestry
With such quality and beauty of the ebony

What is my sin never done before? what is my sin that won't be done some more
is it adultery, theft or murder
Hasn't it been done in Sodom and Gomorrah
It would still be done even by my son

I looked in the eyes of my fear
And felt its existence no longer
Sometimes facing the unknown
Makes it less a wonder

If someday the tables turn
And i live a life of endless scorn
If my loved ones choose to leave
And their affections to another give

Would you let me go hunting again?
Would you?
For my tender arms will be abused
By the wants of many foxlike men

Timeless is the peace you bring
In Autumn, winter, fall or spring
A loving melody shall i sing
The very day i wear your ring

A whim of adventure
With a glint of gray
Enveloped in nature
Is life's capricious way

Again tonight reality taunts me
I am too timid to entertain my fears
That unspoken and uncertain feeling
Concealed deeply yet nurtured by years

I have nursed my scars and lived in fear
Washed by the waves of piercing tears
For many years have i been tossed, bruised and battered
By uniform men and uncaringleaders

A Toast To Murder

Squeaking chairs and broken glasses
The aftermath of last night's fight

I have begun my journey of truth
With a man nearly twice my age
He inholds such strength of youth
That defiles the doctrine of age

Should greed or ignorance wear blame?
That Africa once sold her kin
Years ago she traded huge pots
For the satisfaction of a plate of food

Someday when my land is more fertile
And my gardener is ready to toil
I shall welcome you my precious flower
And nurture you in my soil

Alas the as are born as albinos
What is more for them to undergo
Though contracted in a bow of woe
Don't they also deserve to be known?

Like the parting rod of the biblical Moses
Did you my dearest one did part my wet redness
Forever shall I cherish my first moment of romance
As I surrender all to the sweetness of nature's dance

If you knew it would be the last time
To see your loved ones sleep
Will you not tuck them tightly
And pray their soul to keep?

Should we have faith in a faithless quest
And put sheer foolishness to test

That the coconut holds some water

I have lived life like a trader with many a crate of eggs
Treading carefully to avoid the judging eyes of men
A freedom from condemnation have i consciously begged
Refraining from adventures since i was nine or ten

I hear people speak of "sanitizers"
A word whose meaning remains a wonder

With clean water and soap do I hear them wash

I spoke of the monster that bit me
And the world stood against me
How can u be so profane?
Was the question I received

The Best Poem Of Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

Africa A Home For All

Like the River Nile she flows with food and culture
With natural resources and unrefined treasure
Nurtured and moulded by noble ancestry
With such quality and beauty of the ebony
Her head remains lifted in unique royalty
Like Mount Kilimanjaro standing proud and tall
She remains unshaken, a home for all

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Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Quotes

'For every man is bought first by his belief' By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts

Every man sharpens first his most profiting tool' By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts

Regret is but a slow companion, crawling sluggishly with man to remind man of time' Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts

The loyalty of men is forever bought by reason' By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts

In a world where men play for wealth or fame, playing for survival should be your wisest game ' By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts

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