Go Speed Racer Go Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

Go Speed Racer Go

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The City of Mukilteo really must need your money very badly.
What a rapid rate you passed her car,
especially since you were not traveling far.
You drove as if you were the only car on the road.
Mary said, "you were an accident waiting to happen."

We met again at Edge Water park.
But it was shortly after dark.
The future site of the Mukilteo's ferry terminal.
An angry younger man was cussing you out.
And we understood what his anger was all about.

Only, "an old lady with a cane"rescued you from his wrath!
My friend Mary and I tried hard not to laugh.
The small green car drove much too quickly away.
But its passengers did not spoil our day.

I shouted at your small green car while you were leaving, "
they're not worth it." I shouted to the angry
young man. But of course you could not hear me.
The young man said he was, " sorry" to my friend Mary.
Than he got into his car and drove away.

We smiled and waved good bye at each other.
Since it was past 9.00 pm
There were not too many cars around.
We drove back home to Everett and briefly
talked about you.

Edge water park is only open from dust to dark.
It is a very small park.
But the healing salty air chases far away
All of your worries and your cares.
I am glad both my close friend Mary and I were there.

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
This took place on Saturday nite on April 27,2019. Marysays, "they're an accident waiting to happen."I said, " I'm going to write a peom about it."this is it.
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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