Goddess Poem by Maken David


She is a goddess
Goddess of my heart
She has the key
To my heart
Like no other
So I have to pour it out

I told her some certain truth
That needs to be revealed and learn
She embrased it calmly

As gentle as a dove
Stubborn as a ๐Ÿ
The road was smooth
Then came the arrival
Of the strong wind

The wind manifested
She was weak
Distracted and lack focus
By its effects
So we went into the state of silence

My sister my friend
You became a priceless jewelry
You are special
Words can't explain
I thought the world was designed
For both of us to stay together
But you have vanished out my side
In an tinkle of an eye
Whenever I meet you
I printed out
My thoughts for you
Never the less
If we never returned into one ๐Ÿš again
My name will always be *stamped in your mind forever*

I guess I have completed my mission
I have fought the
Good fight of love
And you accepted me
And obeyed principles

I am always clad
When my mind receives a call from you

I must say this
I am not a friend
*To State of silence*
It seams to be an Emergency call
To maintain a status quo
By following the wild wind direction
With an elaborated wing's

Hmm! I was jiggered
When I saw your retirement statement
With a smile on your face
Speaking to me
With your sweet gentle voice
That revived my spirit back

I must confess
It was a terrible experience
Without you by my side
While your absence was clear
I engaged and involved in
With a *spiritual gymnastics*
Giving an invitation to the Almighty
Man of war
To take a quick action
I have lost my mind
I couldn't take it anymore
It was a *hell in a* *cell*

My sister! My friend
Pretending to be little
But you are the big sis
You brought yourself so low

Thank you for accepting me as a friend
I promise never to blow the dust again
Holding you up as an egg in my hands

Remember! We met for a reason
And can't never depart for no couse
Together we shall serve God
In truth and in spirit
In other to fulfill God purpose for us all

Greater is my love
To lay down my life for you
In other to invite
Peace and Joy

Hmm! What an eligant goddess beauty
You are to me

Who can contest with flashy light skin

Than you Goddess........

๐Ÿ’ฅ Giftedhands โœ๏ธ

Love is a passion driving by a powerful force that can't be held back, but rather you have to express it out.
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