Goodbye My Love Poem by Hung Vu.

Goodbye My Love

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As my heart floats away into the sky
I wish I never have to say goodbye
to such a beautiful angel like you
But that's just what I have to do

You've given me no other choice
So I might as well rejoice
I'm afraid it's just not our fate
to be together, but it'd be great
And as my broken heart is mending
Please listen to these words I'm sending

When we first met I didn't speak
For you have come to make me weak
With your extremely rare angelic beauty

And when you spoke
All known noise broke

When you sung the whole world slept
And when you stopped the whole world wept

When you moved the whole world was hypnotized
When you danced the whole world was mesmerized

When you were by my side, finally together
I felt like I could control the weather

But you have chosen to leave me
And you are my angel so I must agree

Now all that's left is my empty soul
and only you can fill that hole

But no, it's way to late
For you have chosen Nhat by fate
And so I leave you with these final words
as calm as if it was sung by little birds

While I leave you once again as I've done before
I Stand here believing you don't love me anymore

I miss the feeling we had together
I wished it'd be like that forever
I thought I've found infinite happiness
but it suddenly it all fell into a Bliss

I cherished the feeling as it grew
But the wonderful feeling I had with you
Is now all gone
so all that's left is to move on

I Say goodbye and walk away
I Take my wounded heart
With me as it falls apart

The game of love I have lost
My broken heart is the cost

I Count my blessings and pray
That I may never fall in love again
So all this hurt may come to an end

In the end you are the only one
Who can fit the broken pieces into One
So now I wander without a heart
But until you fit it back together
All I'll feel is extreme cold weather
For without my burning heart's desire
I won't have my warm spiritual fire
Then I'll become a cold-hearted ghost
so will you give me what my heart desires most
Your love for me as a great friend
Forever until the end!

When fate brings us to heaven
With all the other brethren
We'll finally be together
forever and ever
but until then
Never again
Will we meet

I'll wander the street
Lone as a cold, dark ghost
Thinking about you the most

With wonderful crystal tears
Pouring down by my ears
I'm wondering and waiting
But my hope is fading
Slowly I lose my hope

Held by a spiritual rope
Is our great friendship
Very soon the rope will rip

Now it all depends on fate
Let us hope it's not too late

This is the end
But you'll always be my friend
Please remember that
No matter what
So you it can guide me
To where I find thee
All the way up there
Which angels are everywhere
But again your presence will guide me
So I know which one of those angels you must be
Please don't forget these words
Which I Sing to you like hummingbirds
If you really believe I'm your friend
And truly want to see me again
In the very end

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