Greetings, This Dark World Poem by Boston Kelley

Greetings, This Dark World

Greetings, this dark world, I am here
to judge you for your immorality and
praise of evil.
My heart moves with sadness at the wrong
inflicted on others, especially those
who seek to do what is right. I am a
victim of this and cannot understand
how such virtue can be shamed.
Look around and see the darkness that
covers people, inspiring them to do
the worst acts imaginable.
From simple pickpocketing to slaughter of
thousands, does humans evil know no end?
See how my heart breaks at such evil!
A deep melancholy has struck me and I am
unable to get up.
I feel like a boxer who has been hit with the
final, devastating blow and musters the
strength he can to get up, but finds it is not
Oh, dark world, why must you be so evil?
What pleasure could you derive from doing
what is immoral?
Is it the ends or the act itself?
For, if you desire the ends, how can you appreciate
the means you achieved that end?
What person could not feel guilty at stealing or
taking life from others?
Dark world, I judge you harshly for the endless evil
you have displayed. Accuse me of playing God,
if you will, but my eyes cannot turn a blind eye to
the plague that seems to spread like the
Black Death.
It floods human's minds, twisting them to seek
joy and peace at the expense of others suffering
and consumes human's hearts making them only
think of the most gruesome things.
For too long I have known humans are evil, but
it continues to astound me.
Dark world, you shall face the wrath of God and
be held accountable for your evil.
If you think you can escape His justice, it will be in
vain for He sees all actions and they cannot escape
His presence.

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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