Hagia Sophia The Blessing That Will Unite You. Poem by Sabah Ibka

Hagia Sophia The Blessing That Will Unite You.

I have read a list of articles and comments about the last Turkish president's announcement which push me to write the following passage.
Before I state my own reading to the declaration and the reactions of social media users and others, let's have an overlook upon Hagia Sophia History.

It is situated in Istanbul, Turkish Capital, that was first built by Byzantine Empire as Eastern Church for Orthodox Christian worshippers, around 537 AD. In 1453, The Ottoman Sultan, Mohamed the Conquer Constantinople when he converted Hagia Sophia into a mosque. After the collapse of Ottoman Civilization, Kamel Ataturk the founder of New Turkey 1930, converted all the Islamic emblems to Museums, Cathedrals..Etc.

Days ago, the top court cleared the image to the world about the identity of Hagia Sophia by declaring it a mosque preserving the Christian symbols are available in.
This move provoked various point of views towards the reason and the aim of the declaration, some warmly welcomed the decision and the others opposed it.
Places are many where to worship be it Jews temples, mosques or cathedrals but the interest is all oriented towards Hagia Sofia though the decision wasn't offending Christianity just taking back what once was theirs. some Media users consider it as a provocative act and kind of segregation by Erdogan being he works intentionally to eradicate secularism of Turkish lands and replace it with Islamism.
Let's smoothly go back to history and have afresh what happened to Muslim Landmarks in Cordova. Clearly, they were all transformed into churches, clubs, shops.. but never seen manifestations or historical correction by the official institutions at that period.
Mosques in Egypt and France were closed and Imams got arrested openly due to the unjust authorities but no one showed pain towards that.
We consider Erdogan's declaration violation to religious freedom; Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all divine religions state to worship the same God. Why don't we look to the bright side which is the highest principles that each contain.
Why can't we put aside our differences and move on to find our humanity!
Corona proves that nothing matters if we don't strengthen our relationships and create togetherness.
Life and humanity! Are in the frontline of precious gifts we all have. So let's not provoke more conflicts about other issues lest we lose everything.
Hagia Sofia is a mosque where Christians too are allowed to pray!
Hagia sofia is a location where God is always present!

Hagia Sofia the mosque where tourists from all over the world may explore and take pictures.
It is the landmark that represents the Abraham spirit.
All we need is understanding not feeling. let's not make each other pay for what the history ordered.

Together to the light!

Sunday, September 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity
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