Happiness Where? Poem by LIGHTCHEERFUL BRIGGS

Happiness Where?

Sting no more - sting no more life.
Fire be thou the fire, son be thou the offspring
Life tell me what you are
Thus water be thou the waters.
Thy satisfying taste is gone;
Your main role relinquished; for a course inimical.
Happiness where are you?
Where art thy abode and your foundation and origin?
That laid hands upon my comfort; fetch me nothing than increasing sorrow.
Some say it is by being drunken one could have thee.
I became one only to see myself lying in the gutter.
Is it money or wealth thy source?
I had it yet all my life was full of restlessness
Or you mean sexual gratification?
But you know I never slept a night without a female.
Upon all, my sorrow multiplied as never;
It was suffocation and pains all through.
Luxury may I ask, Are you one of the qualities?
If so you lied, I lived thee, yet never tasted joy
Oh! Is it by becoming a globe trotter emh?
I remember daddy was a great wanderlust of his time
Still he analyzed life as regret in his analogy.
Where is thy source of eminence happiness? Tell me.
All I do daily to be embodied in you fetch me multiplicity of agony and distress.
Is it by military glory? Napoleon was one of such characters;
Yet he called himself the miserable creature.
So there's no means of lobbying you to one's self eemm
Truly my heart yearns for thee.
Tell me the cost of thee, I'll pay the price.
Is there an avenue to possess you? No I doubt, believing sincerely there must be a way.
If you ever existed here on earth, it was for selfish end;
None has ever spoken of thy abode
None ever walked the earth that ever talked of thy association,
But why art thou callous?
I am desirous of thee; show thyself in thy true and real manifestation.

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