Has Jesus Left Us? Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Has Jesus Left Us?

Does God repent salvation’s plan? –Heb.9: 28
Has day turned into night? –Jn.9: 4
Has Jesus so rejected man? –Gen.6: 6
His Spirit’s taken flight –Eph.4: 30

The world plays much the devil’s fool
So few seek Jesus’ face
Backsliding seems to be the rule –2Ti.2: 3
Perhaps it’s end of grace?

Where else have all the blessings gone?
Where are God’s gifts to see?
Where can The Holy Ghost be won?
God’s Promise to us free

Has Jesus left us in the lurch?
Because our hearts are stone!
Since Godly fear has left the church
Is now the bride alone?

For why else would the increase fail?
Why is there so much pain?
Why is so full the devil’s jail?
Why must yet sickness reign?

Unless we rise to do our bit
Unless the church agree
Unless to God we all submit –Jas.4: 7
The devil just won’t flee

But if life’s war is to be won
We need to stand one man
We need to seek God’s risen Son
And do the best we can

The Lord will surely do the rest
He’ll see how hard we try
Then when as bride, once more we’re blessed
We’ll know the reason why…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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