Have Faith, But Not A Blind One Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

Have Faith, But Not A Blind One

Asaaram the nasaaram
He is the typical example
Of how so-called godmen
Can harm
He is not the only one
We have in India
Quite a number of such people
Who exploit in the name of a faith
It is time people realised
That religion is thoroughly personal
And it is upto them
As how to get the understanding of god
The faith they belong to
Is just the means and not the end
Their problems are only because of perception
They themselves have solutions for
The problems perceived
They need not or cannot be helped by
Any other person however much
Religious or spiritual the person claims to be
All these godmen
Take advantage of the madness of the followers
And extract the maximum not only money-wise
But also, as of now physique-wise
A real spiritual leader
Needs to be beyond even an iota of doubt
The very doubtful occurrences are enough
To indicate there is no godliness in them
The oft-taken name Ram, who, as per mythology
Subjected his wife Sita to a fire-bath testing
Before accepting her after his win over Ravana
Why do they not follow this example
Come forward readily for an investigation
To clear yourself of any doubts around you
It is unfortunate that our people throng
Such a doubtful persons
Let all gods we worship
Make them wake up to a realisation
That a real saint peron
Never walks in our midst
And talks in terms of showering
Bliss and solutions to all their problems
Have faith but not a blind one

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