Bashyam Narayanan

Bashyam Narayanan Poems

Nothing is permanent
Except the change
Change is a necessary phenomenon
In an active system

Success, sweet success
Success, it is waiting for you
To own and hold on to it

A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose
Not only because of its colour
And not only because of it fragrance
A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose

Music has no language
All of us know

But, you also note,

Do not chase happiness
Search within you
There are lot many things
Inside you

The clock is clicking
It is clicking to show just then
A time span of one second
Has become the past

An emotional preparedness
To face an eventuality
To manage an unacceptable development

Water is the basic need
For all, irrespective of type or creed
Animals and plants of any breed
Thrive on this essential liquid feed

To a friend terminally ill

I wonder how you chose me as your friend
For what all I did to you troubled you

How green this lawn was
Two years back, when did I trespass
Thick green on each blade of grass
Shining in sunlight and dancing at each wind cross

Each tree a Poetry
In its infinite variety

Each leaf a status

You are on the move
On an elevator
Or a belt conveyor

I might not be
Someone's first choice
But, I remain a great choice

I really do not know
Whether I love you
You did many things for me
For so many years now

All our efforts aim at
Improving the level of happiness
At individual levels
Hardly we find time

We all know
That we are here
On this earth
Because of love

Dream and dream not

Dream, an extension of reality
Dream, an elevation in status

I just happened to overhear
That my death is very near
Attending doctors are not clear
As to when exactly I leave this world for ever

Your thoughts
Form a cloud
When saturated
And get frozen

I came to life
With a gentle electrical shock
And a mild tremor
When an egg from my mother’s ovary

The Best Poem Of Bashyam Narayanan

Do Not Just Long For A Change, Know How To Accept It

Nothing is permanent
Except the change
Change is a necessary phenomenon
In an active system
Changelessness is deadly

Change is continuous
Steady and driven by a cause
Nature and extent of change
Depend on
Nature and extent of cause

We all look for
And indeed long for a change
And we have specifications
Many a time
The occurring change is
Not the change we were
Looking or longing for
We turn excited or sad
Because of the change

Many a time we are
Unprepared for the change
Though we were longing for it
Often we find it difficult
To accommodate and
Accept the change

Nothing wrong
Longing for a change
But desiring itself not enough
We need to create such
Causes that will lead
To the change we look for
Many a time these causes
Are not totally under our control
So, it is well-advised
To be prepared for the
Deviations from your specifications
Then you will find yourself
In a position to accept
The change whole-heartedly

Long for a change,
Plan actions accordingly,
Execute and wait
Change has to come
But, again be prepared
To accept the change
Despite its falling short
Or exceeding your

Bashyam Narayanan Comments

Rekha Mandagere 11 February 2011

Nice poems, beautifully written!

4 1 Reply
Ramya Bodi 13 April 2010

meru rasina poems chala bhagunnayi.

3 1 Reply
Ramya Bodi 13 April 2010

u r poems r really thought provoking.i like them

3 1 Reply

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