Roxanne Dubarry Poems

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Love Your Neighbor

as yourself, Jesus Christ told his
disciples. But alas true love
in this world is hard to find.

Freedom Is Not Free

No, Freedom is not Free,
Even in the, 'Land of
The Free and The Home
Of the Brave.'

Welcome To Our Sunday School.

Welcome to our Sunday School!
We are so glad you came.
Come and Discover
New Horizons

What Manner Of Love Is This?

How much my special friend must love me!
Some day we will get together again
and be separated by time and space and
place no more.

Why Not Try A Little Bit Of Kindness?

Too many words filled with both anger and hostility are far too common today! When ever you verbally rip some one apart, you sacrifice a piece of your heart! You hardened both your hearts and your immortal spirits and souls! You need mercy!

You may only be just kidding but there are angry words of under currents in your intent! Adding plenty of fuel to already explosive situations! Until you burn down all of your remaining resemblance of humanity! And days of darkness lie ahead!

God Understands Human Frality.

Our beloved heavenly father really does understand the human frailty of men and women. After Adam and Eve had both partaken of the forbidden fruit. Of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God pronounced this sentence upon them, and their offspring. "Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return." Adam was indeed created out of the dust of the earth.And Eve was created out of Adam's rib.

Neither Adam nor Eve withstood the wiles of the devil. But they should not feel so badly about it. God did judge their disobedient sin, but afterwards he forgave them. Neither did one-third of the stars of heaven. Lucifer lead a rebellion and war against Michael and his loyal angels. He had practice in the art of deception and falsehood.

When I Was A Very Little Girl.

Heavenly Angels Of Poetry

Heavenly angels of poetry are softly whispering divine and
inspirational words to me.They are bequeathing
their Christian poetic gifts freely.

Windmills Of My Mind

Echoes of windmills swirling around in my mind.
Whispering thoughts to me which are most unclear.
Taunting me in my thoughts by day,
and in my dreams at night.

Let Your Candlelight Shine

Oh! Why not let your candlelight brightly
shine. Amidst the darkness of nighttime's
darkness. In order for the whole wide and
wonderful world may see. Believers stand

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