Her Kind Poem by Felicity khumalo

Her Kind

Thrutched against the wall
her weak bones started to break. Oppressed by his muscular hands, marked with thumbprints. Turned and tossed around by his friends
The sound of her voice thurled through the soft breezethe thumping of their voices were so loud that her cry was useless and barely heard by one

Her dignity robbed and insulted. Disconnected her life from reality to soulless and lost souls

Her kind of mind
Could control the uncontrolled
Her kind of strength was so strong that she gave up fighting but knew she will live
Gave permission to the next willingly and stoppedinsulting.her tears stopped eroding with fear

Her kind was none like the others

Recklessly hit with the tip of a pointed object, her alimentary canals lagging, her hands too small to cover, her head to loose to stand up right'cause of slit'd throat

Left to die, in deserted place were flies don't care but drop u with a loadfeces.were dogs don't think about humans but for their hungry stomach.

She never gave up believing but knew help is on the way

Her kind of strength and believe turned her fate around, that it could control the autonomic functions

Her kind of spirit turned her stone heart into a soft heart
Turned her sadness to happiness

Her kind of soul is so beautiful to fulfil her dreams
The day she connects to reality is the day she will show u her kind

Thabani Khumalo 31 August 2019

maKhumalo, you have a fully poetic mind, your work is beautiful. Disentangle these words and I will rate you a solid ten... breezethe, stoppedinsulting, in deserted place, Her kind of strength and believe. Otherwise this peotic view is your knack; it is, as I come to learn with coming of age, in your blood.

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Felicity Khumalo 11 June 2018

Thanks. ❤will upload another one soon

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