Hidden In God's Soul Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Hidden In God's Soul

Beneath thousand layers of memories
You sparkle like fullmoon in night,
Beyond thousand concerns of present
You shine like Sun on crown in noon;
You're future, who blossoms my nature
To its blessed features of right and wrong,
You're my truth, beauty, nobility and joy,
You're my root, goalpost, life in-between.

You're here, there, above, down, a' where,
Yet nowhere anywhere wherever I keek;
I search corners and edges, far horizons
In hope of tracing you in physical form;
I fly high with birds and swim with fishes,
Float with clouds, pour down with rains,
Blow with winds to trace footprints
You leave for me to follow and reach.

You're my guide, direction, road, goalpost,
You're conscience I seek to guide me ever;
You're my fort where I find myself
In colours of my oblivious pristine nature;
Present or not here, always innate in me,
You hold my hand and guide forward;
When I falter or slip, you gently cover track
And shed light, open route for my escape.

A bond of soul tightly holds us together
Beyond the scope of sheer time and space,
Beyond the dimensions of physical worlds;
I need you; you, me; it is all our world,
Where you and me, like light and flame,
Like rain and cloud, like breeze and air,
Add to each other and feed from each
And live for each in love's tight embrace.

Love makes far, near; unreal, truly real;
Nowhere, everywhere; never, always;
Love is true world, more real than real,
Love is noble world hidden in God's soul;
You and I are His dears, guarded assets;
He's not unkind, seeks his right time,
One day bring us near, bind us together
Never let us part from our closed world.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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