Hide And Seek Poem by Lilly James

Hide And Seek

She sits alone and scared
Waiting for him to come
Find her, he said let`s play
A game okay, go hide I`ll count
To 10...1...2...3...4...5
She had her hiding place picked out
In a secret spot in between to boards
Up high in the jungle gym
It will take him a while to find her
Bang Bang Bang
All went quiet she no longer could hear
His counting out loud maybe he finished
He`s looking for her right now
Sirens rushing towards her
She`s crying he hasn`t found her yet
He hasn`t yelled I give up
What is she supposed to do
She has to go pee
She yells Daddy come find me!
A police officer hears her cries
He runs to find the girl
Come on out now it`s okay
She doesn`t reconize that voice
She backs up farther into her hidding spot
His voice says it`s okay
She slowly crawls out a small girl of maybe five
The police officer looks sad
She`s feeling worried Wheres my dad
I`m sorry but he`s gone away
She looks confused he said he was
Going to come find her
He made her hide to protect his girl
Those men would have killed her too
She looks even more confused
Daddy`s dead, no I want my dad!
She went to his funeral all in black
Then she went to live with uncle Jack

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