Hollow Poem by bee Zeefo


Just another day… Driving down in the july rains... I was carefree as a bird…
Came across a stranger who was soo rong is so many rioght ways..
I knew it then … life wud neva be the same
Down came the October winter …. The stranger was more than a fren …. All the right things were in perfect harmony … a symphony which was made in heaven ….
I knew it then … i was a man changed
Jan to jul … was a walk on the wild side … but alas all the right things started going rong …. One year ago … seemed like a different place …. one year ago seemed like a better place
I knew it then … it was time to change
Days gone and months fly by … stuck like the victim in the grind … all the smoothness roughned out … every corner was a fight … every step was firght ….
I knew it then … I had to mend my ways …
Had lost all that I gained …. So took up this journey … one which I had to walk alone …
I knew it then I had to pour out all I had in my veins
Now I stand here …. In the middle of nowhere…. Have gone beyond my crazy ways …
walked hard … walked alone … walked scared … Walked as if there was no tomorrow ….
I burned all that I had … my mind … my soul … my all ….
In a place where I have what I thot I needed ….. where I have what I thot I wanted …
but strange enuff... life is like a meaningless wave that does nothing but hit the shore ….
Have won my battles … but lost the war
Don’t know where I am …. Don’t know where to go … all the right things are still right …. All the rong things … have gone south …..
Have given my all … am just empty inside …. Got no place to run … got no place to hide…
I know it now … I am nothing but a hollow man.

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