Holy Mother Of Madness Poem by Nick Perritt

Holy Mother Of Madness

The preacher teacher, manic creature,
Spouting and shouting, bleeding and reading,
Infectious hysterical madness off the pages of her starving crazed soul!
Raising high the chocolate cake of mud on the altar of fanatical unintelligence,
With neon cancerous icing, slicing, scooping
Hallucination inducing, comatose fusing pieces of melting ecstasy!
With the full throated screeching of a dying cat, She proclaims
"The cake is an exploding marriage complex, and the icing is SEX and ecstasy!
This spoon is a hungry human delirium and my mouth is indifferent mortality!
To eat the cake is death, to lick the icing is bliss!
Death digests the past/present/future of eternity!
Death is Holy! Bliss is Holy! The cake is Holy! The sex and the ecstasy is Holy!
Who is Holy? What is Holy? Why is Holy? Where is Holy?
Am I Holy? IS the quivering meat conception Holy?
Is the blind brain of oppression Holy?
Is the plea for instantaneous lobotomy Holy
Are my rotting false teeth Holy?
Yes they are Holy! They are full of Holy holes!
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Holy maniac in the mental institution of absolute sanity!
Holy crazy old lady in the insane asylum who doth spit forth pathogenic madness on the walls of disaffected monkey minds!
Holy naked unstable clown monkeys of my declining lucidity!
Holy madhouse classroom where they teach you how to die!
Holy cake addicts! Holy contagious icing! Holy God and Life and Time!
Holy the universal decaying mind of man!
Holy the blessings of the soul stripped human dynamo!
Holy! Soul! Cake! Sex! Ice! Blessings! Madness! Death!
Holy the lonely tortured soul of forgotten sister, daughter, mother of beaten poet.
Holy Mother of Madness! "
Lost mother. Lost mind. Lost soul.

(last thoughts on Naomi Ginsberg)

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