House Poem by Ragy Sandid


Rating: 5.0

The house is half built
With scaffolds on the frame
It looks as if it will wilt
If someone doesn't step to the aim

The insides are hollow
Unfilled with required substance
The walls need not wallow
Feeling vacuum make them dense

The building material waits
For someone to pick up the task
It needs time, years and dates
And workers who do and don't ask

It needs to step out of the limelight
And have its top architect
Execute his master vision in plain sight
And see how houses are set

It needs a soul to boost it to being
And machinery that operates life
It needs eyes that see without seeing
Since vision is the conclusion of strife

Once it stands on its own, a message
To all that houses are built
With materials that man can envisage
The one heavy sandbag is guilt

The house stands as if it broods
It needs a final resolution
Long and hard has it withstood
All elements become pollution
Except love: the one solution.

Saturday, November 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: human
Rajnish Manga 18 November 2017

An insightful poem about life and human nature but the truth can be summarised as below: It needs eyes that see without seeing Since vision is the conclusion of strife

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