How Can I Love Him Poem by Brianna Wilshusen

How Can I Love Him

This is how I feel,
I feel deeo inside.
I love him I do,
But use me he does.

He loves me I know,
But all we do is screw.
I want that no more,
I want him for him.

What will I do,
I can't lose him.
He has my heart,
Never will he lose it.

Love him I do,
Can I forget?
I want to forget him,
But the child I killed...

I did it for him,
An abortion you see.
He wanted that,
I agreed.

Never will my love die,
For always will I be reminded.
I love him still,
Three months its been.

He has moved on,
As it seems have I.
But in my heart,
I love him still.

I act like I feel not for him,
Yet never will that be so.
My man anew,
Is strong and brave.

He loves me he does,
But can I love him?
I try I try, why do I,
Love him I want.

I want his love to be returned,
But how can I love him
with my heart burned.
I want him,
I need him.

But he needs my love,
How can I give him that?
How when I don't have my heart,
His best friend stole it from me.

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