How Did I Wound Thee? Poem by Gabriel SimpsonLaw

How Did I Wound Thee?

Rating: 5.0

Answer me this -
How did I wound thee?
Describe to me the way
In which I suffered you to suffer

For I would like lightning move to defend thee now
Even as you retrieve your icy dagger sucking from my heart
Whilst blood to your elbows runs and mine own tears like opals fall
To shatter hail like upon this wretched ground

Tell me friend
What crime of thought, action, or speech
Did I upon you cast?

For never did a man love so well as I loved nor more true
So that should the wrath of all the world descend upon you as arrows
From a battled sky I should still bodily be your buckler
To soak up as an oaken shield their keen and barb'ed points

Enlighten my poor mind
Enrich me with your thoughts
Friend, do I not deserve to know
The sorrow I have wrought

Now dimly by mine eyes perceived your retreat from this dark field
Leave not before I comprehend the wound that would not heal
As I have given all I had and never more shall gain
I pray thee lay to rest this single question that remains -

How did I wound thee?

Shannon Wright 17 December 2007

I absolutely love this, it's beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

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