How I Am Passing My Days Poem by MD SHAHADAT HOSSAIN

How I Am Passing My Days

Just come for once,
Try to have a look, how I am passing my days?
Can you tell me this is called humans life?
Or I am playing with something else.
Every evening time I could feel something-
Crying into my heart helplessly
I stay close to humans feet,
I want to know how they treat
I couldn't smile loudly,
In case it can make someone cry terribly.
Sometimes I walk with a cockroach as a cockroach
Sometimes I fly with a mosquito as a mosquito
Sometimes I tie my own hands to realise how Jesus was suffering?
Sometimes I want to bloom myself as a flower
Sometimes I want to shine this world as a moon
Sometimes I want to be rain to make this world fertile
Sometimes I want to go to grave yard to see what is called death
Sometimes I want to remove the humans sufferings forever.
Just come for once,
Try to have a look, how I am passing my days?
Can you tell me this is called humans life?
Or I am playing with something else.

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: time
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