Humble Cakes-Cauchy3 Poem by cheung shun sang

Humble Cakes-Cauchy3

Rating: 5.0

Humble cakes –poem and prose….
Objects take related powers to minds.
Tracts on tables list our logics.
Power seeds and worked as ethics.
Health pending accords on joined.

Tamper must the temples there aren’t gods.
Plurals pay-o-la paid the rolls.
Seven gods of lucks expected.
Excel seven have six to except.

W.H.O. manager keep the tops of marching conditions for moneys flow and sources on hands resources.
Pass musters pay on rolls.
Country reigns represent laws and health.
Solemn ports report the flaw apples.’
Corny laws with good as goody tribes are sufficed.
Good to care a holly land is good to ride..
We are human, we are needy poor. We are looking back for mercies.
Easy going takes our plans.
Easy to come are storms with quotas.
W.H.O. has quotas given out to poor.
Private channels are moneys and wealth may politico go.
Managers may over easy.
Humble cakes or lily altars both are silken.
Happy plurals are play-roll-la. La. La.

Will Chan Fung Fu Gin win the manager –W.H.O.
Are all other members under supervised happy.
She may good.
Politico may go.
All are really happy.
Rectitude and fine latter for ever as what will be now is this.
A good with tricks is 3 billion U.S dollars china care to banana.
Treats or tricks and carrots or sticks are plurals.
---Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---

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