I Am Sorry My Love, Please Take Me Back. Poem by George Likuu

I Am Sorry My Love, Please Take Me Back.

Today, the sun stood tall, the wind blew strong, the rain fell hard, and darkness of night washed away today...

Tomorrow it will happen again, it may not rain, it may be hot. It may be foggy. But, the night will wash away the day... Every night...
The next day is a new day... a new beginning... every morning... an opportunity to smile...

YESTERDAY, I stood not proud, not strong, but, weak and feeble... Blinded by frustration and trapped by life I almost lost the ONLY TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE...

There has not ever been a woman so beautiful inside and out... Sweet to the taste and sweet to me...

She is kind and true... With eyes so beautiful and blue...

When I was young, I imagined life was free, fun and full of meadows tall and colorful... Gentle warm breezes blowing through flower after flower... Green grass for miles and miles... Rolling hills in front of towering mountains...

Too young to know love, I imagined myself in the middle... Alone, quiet, free... Not a worry, no fear, Alive...

As time went on, the Mountains began to blur, the hills turned brown, the smell of the flowers was gone.

I was lost in my life... I forgot to stop and smell those great flowers, feel the wind in my hair, I was a prisoner of my own making. I was afraid...

When I first met you, I was hypnotized by the bright cheery glow around you... I used to daydream of us holding hands... I never thought you would be interested in someone like me...

As time went on and we became friends, I began to dream again of the meadows, it was not like before, you were there too... the dreams were so real I would wake and lie there trying to fall asleep too stay in my paradise...

Hand in hand, we would run and jump, roll in the grass and laugh for hours... I found an open door of happiness... A portal to my dreams... I was alone with you...Free as the wind, fearless of the world, very alive...

Tonight, I sit alone, draped in fear that I may have lost the keys to my dream life with you... The most amazing woman I have ever met... By far the best woman of all time... Easily the sexiest woman alive... With out a doubt the greatest... certainly the cutest woman of all time...

I love every inch of your mind, body and soul.... You are so perfect for me... I can only hope and pray I get the chance to start over someday, Very very, very soon and spend the rest of my life showing you the love and affection you deserve...

I love you... I love you... I love you... I miss u. I want the opportunity to make you smile, hold you, grow old with you... Watch sunsets with you... wake UP TO YOU... Run through daisy's and stomp in puddles....

I am yours forever... I am humble and not happy unless I'm with you...

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