I Am The Written Word Poem by Rik Bertrand

I Am The Written Word

My life is the written word, in its glory and its downfall,
With pen in hand I write the world, I am the one to tell all.
My mind holds the secrets of the universe; its fatal flaws.
And I shall write of our worlds happiness and its just cause.

I have been drawn into the destiny of the human race,
All life has been thrown at me and I see its disgrace.
The wrongs and the rights, the love and the brutal fights.
The bloody mornings of war, the dreadful dark scary nights.

I write of it all, I record the truth of humanity and the lies of Hell.
I am the scribe of modern day, and it is the stories of life that I tell.
Behold the scriptures of our time, the scrolls of rhythm and rhyme.
For I am the goddess of the Pen, that sets ink to paper, line for line.

Words, words, words and writings; stories and tales of good and bad
The writings change my feelings everlasting, sometimes happy sometimes sad.
I sleep upon my writings and dream of what is to come, I am the savior words.
And all that you need to know is fluttering in the air, like the wings of hummingbirds.

Reach out and grab the words of life, I set them adrift for all to see.
Understand the way of life, the way of the world, and true humanity.
I write because its I do, it's the gift that I have been given,
It's a passion for me to tell the story, and the life that I love living.

REB (MAY 2012) Because I write

Rik Bertrand

Rik Bertrand

Portland, Oregon
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