I Carry My Heart Aloft Poem by Jordan St. Stier

I Carry My Heart Aloft

Above all else, guard thy heart,
For from it comes the source of life.
Proverbs 4: 23

I carry my heart aloft
Above the ground of dirt and disease
Do not only carry thy Heart in the hand, carry it in thy soul.

I carry my heart aloft
In the midst of the sails of a pirate brigantine upon the seas
I carry my heart aloft.

I carry my heart aloft
Above the ground, in the symphonious breeze
Do not drag thy heart on the ground, carry it in thy soul.

I carry my heart aloft
In the midst of an ocean of forested trees
I carry my heart aloft.

I carry my heart aloft
Above the scarlet felt of the Jade Emperor's bleeding knees
Do not bury thy heart in farcical praise, carry it in thy soul.

I carry my heart aloft
In the midst of spurious people who only wish to appease
I carry my heart aloft.

I carry my heart aloft
Under the heavy folds of my winter coat, to be at ease
Do not hide thy heart, carry it in thy soul.

I carry my heart aloft,
I hold my heart aloft in my breast
So that my body may at least feign some rest
Away from life's tumultuous trapeze;
Do not only carry your heart in your hand,
Carry it in thy soul-
For I, I carry my heart aloft.

Monday, March 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: harmony,life
This poem is based off of the villanelle poetic form, especially that of Dylan Thomas, but it is not a true villanelle. The poem is a reflection of the heart as more than an organ, but the harbinger of continuous life, and it surrounds psychological Id to introspectively look within. The speaker looks inside themselves as solace from the folly of the world around them, and carries their heart aloft with them, which itself draws from an old saying and a poem of e.e. cummings, which holds the heart as the center of the personal universe. Look within yourself and notice that your heart, figuratively, is the center of the calm universe, while the brain is the center of the frenetic, nervous universe that we depend on to function, but for the heart, we depend on to live, and to be at peace with your heart, is to be at peace with your soul, but not your mind.
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