I changed
I decided to love myself more
For I felt I owe myself more love
It's been a long journey
I let go off toxic people in my life
Regretting all the opportunities
I had in the past to lose them
And I refrained then
I finally learned at my own detriment
That if you feed snakes honey
That won't change their toxic nature
The sky keeps pouring water
On the sea and it remains salty
Thus some people will never
Change no matter how
Great you are with them
Whoever consumes you
Doesn't deserve you
And no one deserves
To deserve you twice
Better to walk away
Don't underestimate red flags
Red flags are red, not green
Remember, we teach others
How to treat us
Never accept to betray yourself
To compromise your self-respect
Your self-esteem or dignity
To stay in any type of relationship
Your dignity outweighs your heart
Your dignity is your second soul
Withdraw from any relationship
That threatens it
You won't find happiness
In the same place you lost it
Sometimes your healing starts
With cutting ties with the wrong
People in your life
Follow your heart
If you feel someone
As a burden on your heart
Most likely he or she is
All people are Romeos or Juliets
In words and love discourses
But only stances in tough times
Can really measure the depth of love
Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem