I Cryed Poem by Jonah Radovsky

I Cryed

I said I need to find myself. I need to get what's mine

I said I'd see you again somehow sometime

But it kills me knowing that I might have told a lie

I took one last look at my family and then I said goodbye

I took a seat on the bus and for the first time in my life I cried

Now I'm a lone wolf running through a war zone

All I think about is how much I miss home

I'm just a solder who is battling his demons

I am a solder lacking something to believe in

I am covered in mud the sun is gleaming in my eye

I put my life on the line because I'm ready to die

But I keep fighting and I don’t even know why

I've got so many battle scars I couldn't cry if I tried

If you look into my eyes you'll see a tortured soul

I take it day by day and complete another mission that seems to lack a goal

Fighting for an unknown cause can seem tedious at times

I'm just a solder who is fighting behind enemy lines

I run and take cover from all of the chaos

Hoping one day all of this fighting might pay off

Each time I shoot my gun a piece of me is lost

I keep fighting I keep hurting but I don’t have a choice

All these orders do is just take away my voice

So I do what I can I fight for freedom

And I fight for what I feel is right to believe in

But I feel like I'm trapped guns pointed at my back

Strange people wearing black masks I am under attack

I can't understand them but I think I'm a prisoner of war

They blindfold me and walk me to a door

For some reason I felt Id been there before

I punch them in the face so I have time to run away

I take my billfold of and I make my escape

I keep on running I won't stop to get until I get to base

My comrades knew I'd been through hell when they saw my face

I walked inside and I felt at home I no longer felt alone

But within about 10 hours it was time to go

I lost all hope I cant fight anymore

I dropp to my knees and I fall on the floor

The awful masked enemy picked me up

They put on my blindfold and they put me in cuffs

As I waked across the unfamiliar territory

I looked back at my life I had no idea it could get this gory

I just want to talk to you cant you speak English

They replied in a strange unfamiliar language

Then I accepted death and then I died

It felt as good as the last time I cried

I had experienced death and birth and thought of them separately

And all of the sudden a realized the were just one entity

I knew it was a universal unit despite what I've been told

The enemies took off their blindfolds and my blood ran cold

I looked at my enemy but to my surprise

I was looking right into my mother and my father's eyes

I felt so alive that I started to cry because I figured out why I was dyeing inside

The whole time we were fighting when we on the same side

We were a universal unit I felt my heat open wide

I saw them again I did not lie

I held my family in my arms and for the first time in my life I cried

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